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Fri Sep 16, 2011 6:36 pm by ClockWork

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All V.T.L members on ROBLOX MUST add ClockWork as a Friend on THIS SITE. All V.T.L members MUST be active on this site at all times. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ At this site we have an escalating system for dealing with Abuse Reports. When a User is reported a moderator checks what was going on at the time to make sure it's a real offense. The real offenses is listed below. Once we've decided the User did something wrong, by our standards, then the following actions are taken.

  • 1. Reminder - kicked out of the Forum/Chat and asked to read the rules again
  • 2. Warning - again Kicked out of the Forum/chat and asked to read the rules
  • 3. One-day Ban - kicked out and not let back in for one day
  • 4. Three-day Ban - kicked out and not let back in for three days
  • 5. Seven-day Ban - kicked out and not let back in for seven days
  • 6. Fourteen-day Ban - kicked out and not let back in for two weeks
  • 7. Account Deletion - that account and all associated Rep.

{Note: The Administrator of the site can ban a user for as long as he wishes.}

Points, and Ranks are removed Deletion may look harsh but the User had at least three chances to learn the rules of this Site and didn't change their behavior. It's easy to protect your account. Just follow by the rules! Moderators also have the power to ban for 7 days and 14 days at a time, and will excercise this power if necessary. If you follow by the rules then you can continue without interruption. Accounts that are obviously created to harass, spam or otherwise troll the site may be deleted without warning. What about false reporting or threats of being reported? Just ignore it, if it happends again, please report it. Accusing someone is not enough to get them banned. And, reporting people for silly things just wastes our time as moderators. Spamming the report system is not tolerated and will result in action taken against you instead of the person you reported, especially if the moderator has a lot of reports and you're wasting their time. Please note that one report is enough. Making more isn't going to speed up the process, and will actually make it slower. Report the user once, and make sure that you tell in the report what it was the offender was doing. Reportable Offenses * Swearing The use of bad language during messages,chat or on forum. This includes using fake letters like * or @ to disguise the swearing or shortening a phrase to just the first letters (a.k.a. acronym). Using symbols to get around the filters will be punished more harshly. If we as moderators can figure out what the swear word would be then it counts as profanity. * Threatening or Intimidating Any action or verbal dialog that may threaten or intimidate another User is prohibited. This means real world threats. Don't say things like, "I'm going to find you and hurt you," which is a real world threat. Threatening people and stealing their items is not allowed. * Spamming Sending useless messages to another user is prohibited. Posting lots of useless text on the forums is prohibited as well. * Asking user for their password, account trading Asking another Site user for their password, either in the forum or through messaging is strictly prohibited. * Sexually oriented conversation Any sexually oriented chat or behavior is prohibited. This includes trying to get players to date you, and threatening them sexually. No asking for boyfriends or girlfriends is allowed. * Asking for Identifying information Asking for any information about another user (age, location, phone number, email) will result in an account action. Placing information such as your street address, hometown, name, school, age, etc. can allow people to find you, which would be a bad thing. Hobbies, or game you play would be OK, but not revealing information. If you think some information may not be OK to tell to others, ask your parents before adding it to your profile. So what's not a real offense? We don't consider these real offenses - Calling each other silly names like noob and dummy. Those things are just part of the Site. Also, we can't enforce the rules of any one's "world" in other words SPACE, so if you want certain friends and people will not stop sending them, then just don't accept! If this gets to become a harrassment,a stalker, please tell ClockWork. However, Users can be given a Reminder when their behavior is very mean spirited and repeated over and over. This is a Site for having fun, getting information so ruining some one's fun is considered an offense. Account Deletion Actions Severe violations of Our Rules will result in immediate deletion of a user account. Some actions are so bad that the User doesn't get three strikes. * Predatory Behavior Any actions of a predatory nature will result in the immediate destruction of a user account and a report will be filed with the authorities. Asking users about their real information and stalking fall under this category. * Offensive Account Names,Profiles,Comments Accounts with obviously offensive text will be immediately banned. * Accessing another user's account Maliciously accessing another user's account will result in immediate take-down of your account. * Impersonating a Site Administrator Any user who impersonates a Site administrator or employee, either through chat or their profile will have their account taken down immediately. * Using Exploits, Glitches, or attempting to bypass OUR security Users found to be using exploits or glitches or in other ways attempting to get around the rules of this Site will be deleted. Such activities should be reported immediately to an Admin and not used for personal gain.